Hungerford Meat Co

  • 02 4938 1435
  • 47 Maitland Street Branxton NSW 2335

Hungerford Meat Co

About Hungerford Meat Co

Hungerford Meat Co has a deep and rich history embedded in the agriculture of the Hunter Valley. When we were presented with the opportunity to take over this historic building and butchery we also inherited an opportunity to slow the process down and bring the butcher’s shop back to what it used to be.

Working with as many small local producers and farmers as possible and taking care to use the whole animal – not just in our fresh cuts in the butcher’s cabinet, but also through our charcuterie and smoked meat range – we found we could better connect local kitchens with the region.

Our ideals had been formed: sustainably produced, grass-fed where possible, rare breed where available. This is a butcher who has worked from the kitchen backwards, and then from the farm forwards. This is the traditional idea of the butcher, taking a place between the farm and the kitchen.

  • 02 4938 1435
  • 47 Maitland Street Branxton NSW 2335

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