Branxton & Vineyards Real Estate

  • (02) 4938 3300
  • N/A
  • 8 Clift St Branxton NSW 2335

Branxton & Vineyards Real Estate

About Branxton & Vineyards Real Estate

We have been open in Branxton since July 1997 with Licence-in-Charge Helen Lowing having worked in real estate in the local area for approximately 10 years prior to her opening her own boutique real estate firm.

She has had 30+ years of experience in the local area.

BVRE does sales & property management and are accessible 7-days a week.

In addition to the normal real estate office we also:-

  • Advise buyers on the merits of properties and businesses and the terms of sale or lease.
  • Advise vendors of sales and marketing options such as sale by auction and open house inspections.
  • Assess buyers’ needs and locates properties and businesses for their consideration.
  • Offers market appraisals and advice for buying and selling properties and businesses, and structures the terms of settlement.
  • May help arrange finance, land brokerage, conveyancing and maintenance of premises.
  • (02) 4938 3300
  • N/A
  • 8 Clift St Branxton NSW 2335

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