CHBC Elects Peree Watson as President
Central Hunter Business Chamber is pleased to announce the election of our new President – Peree Watson.
My name is Peree Watson and I am honoured to be appointed President of the Central Hunter Business Chamber.
As the proud wife of a local business owner, I see everyday the positive impact local businesses of all sizes make to our families, our communities and our economy. When our local businesses thrive our local communities thrive and that is what drives me to take on this role to support those businesses.
The communities of the Central Hunter have undergone a massive transformation over the last 10 years and the number and nature of local businesses have dramatically changed. So that the local chamber best serves our local businesses my first action as President will be to hold a series of round tables to hear from members and potential members about what we as a chamber can do to assist local businesses. Dates and locations to be confirmed!
Warmest regards, Peree
Peree will lead our team of Chamber board members focussed on promoting the economic prosperity of the Central Hunter region and advocating for our members. Read more about Peree and the CHBC team here.