Branxton Business Networking Event 24 March
Central Hunter Business Chamber in partnership with Cessnock City Council will host the first evening business networking event on Thursday 24 March from 5:30pm at the Royal Federal Hotel in Branxton.
Council successfully received funding from the NSW Government to host a suite of business networking events within the Cessnock Local Government Area (LGA) designed to assist small businesses with disaster preparedness and recovery. The event is funded by the Bushfire Community Resilience and Recovery Fund (BCRRF) provided through the joint disaster recovery funding arrangement between the NSW and Commonwealth Governments.
This event will provide the opportunity for businesses, operators and likeminded people to come together to discuss disaster preparedness, resilience, business strategy, diversity, inclusion and much more. Tickets are $25 per person and can be purchased now through Eventbrite.
The audience will be treated to an evening of leading industry guest speakers sharing a wealth of knowledge and their experiences. Canapés will be served on arrival following a delicious two-course meal. Boo, The Fighter Pilot Mindset is the key note speaker for the evening. Boo is charismatic, energetic and engaging. His deep performance mindset will inspire, motivate and empower your teams to tackle disruption head-on and be successful every time.
The initiative will empower small businesses across the Cessnock (LGA) to be proactive and motivated when it comes to disaster preparedness and recovery.